Women in Business


Each year, I get the honor of interviewing and writing stories about some of the area’s most interesting, successful women. “Women in Business” is on my top 5 list of favorite publications to compile for The Forum. Every year, a select few of Fargo’s successful women open their door to prove it’s possible to make a …

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Puppy Love II


Remember that “damn dog” I was complaining about mid-March?  (See “Puppy Love = Tough Love“) That’d be my brother’s Labrador retriever.  At the time, I expressed an unbearable amount of frustration towards an animal in the process of being trained. During that very long, lengthy, drawn-out process (which lasted for an extended amount of time), …

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Doing the Pot


I’ve come to love my crock pot. Not like puppy love where you love them until they chew up your camera cord. Not like brotherly love where you love ‘em cause you have to.  Not even the love you have for your new high heels that cause a world of pain. Just sheer, undying, perfect, …

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Public Grooming


It’s amazing what some people do in public.  Not amazing as in heroically saving a grandma from getting clobbered by a bus or picking up the tab for the person behind you in the drive-thru. Amazing as in I-can’t-believe-you-just-did-that-and-now-you’re-doing-it-again-please-stop-now kind of amazing. So not really all that amazing. I’m not solely referring to the people …

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