Spilled Guts in Aisle 5


I had an interesting conversation last night. A relatively deep, caring dialogue with the produce guy at Hornbacher’s. He’s a real peach. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) But, seriously let me first explain where this is stemming from (whoops! There I go again.) I’ve been struggling with small talk. Not making it or engaging in it. Mainly just …

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A tribute to an old friend


This weekend marks the 5-year anniversary of putting down my favorite childhood dog, Bullet. I know I’ve written about this black lab before, but I was telling a friend the other day that Hines has some of the same characteristics that Bullet did, and in fact, I’ve always believed that maybe ­– maybe – Hines …

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Define "runner"


How do you define a runner? Is it their gear? Their 10K time? Is it judged by the furthest distance run, or the number of races completed? Or, are only the ones who flirt with being addicted considered true runners? You know – those who love it, have a compiled list of personal records and talk …

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Puppy Love II


Remember that “damn dog” I was complaining about mid-March?  (See “Puppy Love = Tough Love“) That’d be my brother’s Labrador retriever.  At the time, I expressed an unbearable amount of frustration towards an animal in the process of being trained. During that very long, lengthy, drawn-out process (which lasted for an extended amount of time), …

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Embarrassing Parents


Few things are as memorable as how embarrassing your parents used to seem. It used to be mortifying to even be seen with your parents – as if all the other kids grew from a special plant in their backyard.  You didn’t want any of your friends to know you had parents! Especially your parents …

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