You did WHAT?


Have you ever thought about what kind of stories future generations will be told? When you ponder where this world is headed and where it has been, it feels strange to think about the crazy things we are currently doing that won’t even exist in the lives of generations to come. For an example: telephone …

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The statistics are disheartening: fifty percent of marriages end in divorce.  Wow!  What are we doing wrong? Rather than having a mindset of what used to be a lifelong commitment, perhaps we’ve adapted a "lets-give-it-a-go" attitude towards marriage.    As a person who has never been married (or come even remotely close), I’ve been trying to …

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Just Let Go


My dog taught me another life lesson this week. After deciding to play a game of tennis, someone had the brainstorm to bring a ball retriever with us — my 1-year-old lab puppy. We loaded her up in the back of — yes, the Geo — and were on our way. The first ball was hit, and she …

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Lemonade Stands


Even though the current weather has left us feeling used and confused, we can rest assure that summer will make its grand entrance one of these days.  While there are far too many enjoyable things about summer to list, one that really stirs up memories are the lemonade stands.  It’s not something you see every …

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Kid Recipes


Life was so simple as a kid. Though Im still a kid at heart, there is just no going back to the times when I didnt have a care in the world other than which neighbors yard I was playing in. Though its nearly impossible to recall the portion of our lives that were easiest, …

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Valentine's Day


I hate Valentine’s Day. Single or not, the day may be the worst holiday ever celebrated.  My dislike for this defective holiday isn’t because I’m envious of women carrying around a dozen roses.  I don’t hate the day because it reminds me that the man of my dreams may not exist.  And I’ve never had …

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My Baby Book


    No doubt about it, growing up with siblings makes for a well-rounded individual.  Being the third of four brats has its benefits and drawbacks. I had an older brother constantly threatening my life, an older sister bossing me around, and a little brother I was able to take my frustrations out on.     Besides …

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