One would think picking out a greeting card for a special occasion would be easy. It should be like picking out a new toothbrush for yourself, no? Unfortunately, I’ve noticed this task takes me an unusually large amount of time, and I know I’m not alone. Upon entering a store, I’ve seen people perusing the …
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Once a freckle-faced outcast, always a freckle-faced outcast
I’ve always had freckles. They aren’t as noticeable this time of year, but as soon as I step outside on a warm, sunny day, the specks get larger and darker. I spend a lot of time outdoors during the summer. In my younger days, I remember being out in the sailboat with my dad, who …
My not-so million-dollar idea
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they think they’ve come up with “the million-dollar idea.” I once thought I had a breakthrough idea that would revolutionize the toaster pastry industry. I was eating a Kellogg’s Pop-Tart and discussing nothing in particular with my family. I savored each bite of my treat, first breaking …
Do you play golf? Do you enjoy golf? These are two completely different questions in my book. Yes I sometimes play golf, but, unlike any other sport, it’s not what I’d call “enjoyable.” As a young gal, my parents signed me up for kid’s golf. I dreaded the days I had to head to …
The Dog Duo
When it comes to having a good friend, most people look for common qualities: loyal, trustworthy, dependable, and non-judgmental. I’ve found these traits are often found in four-legged friends: dogs. All my life, my family has owned a dog. They would come and go, but if one passed, it wouldn’t be long before we started …
Coupons: Do they help you save or spend?
I love getting a good deal. To me, there is nothing better than paying less than full price for something. I particularly enjoy using coupons to score good deals and save money. Receiving one of those envelopes packed with coupons in the mail makes me feel like the latest lottery winner. I’m going to go …
Where do you fall on the worry spectrum? The spectrum extends from the laid back, live-in-the-moment type to the up-tight planning freaks. It appears as if it all comes down to looking forward. Some people have the ability to live in the moment and not worry about what is to come. Others can’t stop thinking …
Travel lately? Growing up, my family drove everywhere we went. My dad hated airports, airplanes, and the delays that came with it. We tried it twice. The first time, we ended up stranded in the Detroit airport while inch after inch of snow got dumped on the area, until finally, 30 hours later, we were …
But it's a tradition!!
The things we do to keep traditions alive… If there’s a time known for traditions, it’s right now – the holiday season. While some people are excited about this time of year, there are others who would prefer to take cover until after New Years. Sure, this time can be pretty entertaining. However, the season …
The Flu Shot
Come flu season, I load up on orange juice and try to get as much sleep as my schedule allows. My master plan must work – I haven’t had the flu since I was in third grade (knock on wood). Hopefully bragging about the fact won’t jinx the good luck I’ve had. This contagious respiratory …