Sayonara, Areavoices: It’s Moving Day!


By now you may have heard AreaVoices is shutting down tomorrow. A few hundred of us are lining up new homes to keep our writing rolling… and here I go, less than two hours before the clock strikes midnight, and I’m writing my last post to explain to my readers that I’m not done yet.

Leave it to me!

Contrary to my delayed announcement, “Shootin’ the Wit” DOES mean something to me. A lot actually. Today I realized I’ve been writing this blog for 11 years. ELEVEN! Those 200-some blog posts were a challenge to write, but brought a lot of joy — both in sharing, and hearing feedback. I’ve always loved emails and comments from readers and I hope it continues, even after the abundant support of Forum Communications has gone. It’s been an incredible route and the support will be missed.

All this said, I’m not even close to giving it up.

In fact, I’m looking forward to freshening it up. I have a million topic ideas in my head, my planner, spreadsheets and the 15 notebooks I lug around. And even though I’m spitting out blogs about as quick as turtle in deep, soft sand, there is more to come. This is why my blog is perfect for people who don’t like to read a ton!

Anyway — I hope you’ll join me at my future home, (there’s a spot to subscribe). There, I’ve uploaded a few of my past blogs and have thinned out posts that make me blush from many years ago. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me since then. I hope to see you over there. Now… onward and upward!

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