A More Colorful Kind of Love


It’s Valentine’s Day again and I’m still wondering whether we’ll ever do away with this silly holiday.
As I’ve ranted about in previous blogs, this day forces men to show their love in the form of a $100 flower arrangement (which in many cases still isn’t “enough”).  Couples desperately make reservations and fight crowds to eat an expensive meal at fancy restaurant.  And many-a-single ladies cry themselves to sleep because “nobody loves them”.
How romantic.
What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? I challenge you to switch it up a bit and show a little love a different way this year. Shovel just a little too far to your neighbor’s side. Pick up an extra cup of coffee for a co-worker. Pay for the random stranger behind you in the drive-thru (not that you’d go through a drive-thru on such a sacred holiday). Or, avoid fighting crowds and put that cash towards something a bit more meaningful. If you haven’t heard about Giving Hearts Day, I urge you to look into that.
That’s the kind of love we could use more of.
Shootin’ the Wit is a sporadic blog about everyday life that should never, ever be taken too seriously.

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