Just Let Go


My dog taught me another life lesson this week.

After deciding to play a game of tennis, someone had the brainstorm to bring a ball retriever with us — my 1-year-old lab puppy. We loaded her up in the back of — yes, the Geo — and were on our way.

The first ball was hit, and she was on it!  She scooped it up in her mouth and was instantly prepared to field the next ball.  For the next half hour, she chased down every single ball we hit, but never dropped the first ball.

Sure, she was having a riot, but she was being completely worthless.  She had an opportunity to retrieve numerous balls — had she dropped the first one. Instead, she scurried all over the green and red turf simply tiring herself out.

Watching her got me thinking about things we don’t let go of in our lives because we are unable or unwilling or possibly too scared or stubborn to let go — a previous failure, a cutting remark that echoes in the mind, fears, family problems, a past relationship, a disability, a stupid mistake you haven’t forgiven yourself for.

Think about all the good opportunities you miss out on when you’re wasting time carrying these burdens with you.  When you just can’t let go, it’s hard to move on.

Holding on isn’t completely debilitating.  After all, the pup was having a blast.  However, she was exhausted by the end.  When we loaded her back up in the Geo, I took note to exactly how long a dog’s tongue is.  (How do they fit that whole thing in their mouth anyway?)  She had just spent the last half hour running her little tail off, but because she was unwilling to put down her first ball, she made no progress.  She had a strong passion for every ball that was flying around the court that day, but stuck with the first one she had.

What do you need to "let go" of?  Have you thought about the things your "ball" is holding you back from?  Whatever it may be, think seriously about dropping it and moving on. 

Shootin’ the Wit is a weekly column about everyday life that should never, ever be taken too seriously.

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